Presenting ideas and sharing what I've worked on.

I'll be there whether it's introducing a new technology to the team, chatting cybersecurity over coffee, project presentations, and sharing memes. Collaboration is what I value most.



Making literature cool for New Yorkers

The Knowledge House Projects, 2021

Tsudonku was a project done with three other classmates and my coding bootcamp. The purpose? Make a sexy website that promotes reading, literature, and New York bookstores. How's that for hipster?

Creating Garamcha: an e-commerce application

The Knowledge House Projects, 2021

To practice some of our newfound developer skills, a classmate and I worked on 'Garamcha' - a fake tea company. This was a lot of fun to work on!

A presentation on my first ever coding project: Munch Map!

The Knowledge House Projects, 2020

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a classmate from my coding bootcamp and I made an accessible and convenient way to find restaurants in your locality, integrating Google Maps API and the Zomato API. Here's our presentation.